Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Garden of Lazarus

If you recall our 2013 Home Goals, two of them were garden related. The first was to plant a vegetable garden. It might be tiny, but seeing as it was our first garden ever in this home, we figured we were better off not biting off more than we could chew. 

The second gardening goal, and perhaps far more important than the first, was to not kill the garden. Like all new things, we attentively cared for our new garden. Watering and feeding as needed. And our plants loved us back with bountiful goodies. 

But then the summer rain came & drowned our poor little plot. With all the commotion of back to school and a leisurely visit to the lake, our dainty garden was written off. I figured our minimal harvest was a success for our rookie year. 

Last week when we were camped out in the backyard watching the roofing action, Peanut happily announced that our garden was brimming with tomatoes, peppers & cucumbers. 

We are back to nurturing our plants and looking forward to tasting our own fall harvest. And since the kiddies took such a liking to the garden, plans are in the works for a much larger garden plot next spring. I'll be back next week with more details.

As for you guys' gardens, are they still producing away or did you lose plants this year? Am I tooting our horn for nothing; maybe it is traditional for plants to produce a second time in the early fall? Do tell, I am clearly not a gardening expert.

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