Between preschool, elementary school, Sunday school & Greek school we've been wrapping the year up for nearly two weeks. It all began with Sunday School graduation a few weeks back.
This picture was taken after a very, very long church service so the less than enthused expressions will have to suffice.
Thankfully though, the kiddies were pleased as punch to receive their graduation certificates from Father Peter.
The next event in the line up was Peanut's End of the Year Preschool Party & Performance. He happily donned his stamped t-shirt for the day's festivities and snuggled up closely to each one of these lovely ladies who make learning positively pleasurable. Peanut is smitten with Mrs. S (in the white jacket) and will do just about anything she asks him too. In fact, he can't quite understand why she isn't coming to the lake with us this summer.

After snacks & photos in the classroom, we settled in for the performance. Peanut happily sang & danced his way through 10 songs including his favorite "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah". Afterwards we all went out for lunch and ice-cream at his restaurant of choice. Hard to believe we only have one more year until Kindergarten!
And yesterday marked the end of Belle's school year. Despite the overcast sky and less than ideal conditions, Belle came off the bus in full summer mode. To kick the season off right, we headed to Rainforest Cafe where we met Hubby for a celebratory lunch.
Tonight is the last day of class for Greek school and the year end celebration is Sunday….then it will finally be Summer around here. If only the weather would get the memo!
I just love their smiles! The end of the school year is such a fun time for wee ones:)