Monday, February 11, 2013

A Milestone for Bear

Surprise, 2nd post of the day! Is there is nothing more important than capturing your baby's firsts? All those moments you lock away in your heart, to forever relish and remember. And today marked a first for our baby Bear. I know you are chomping at the bit to know.... First steps!?! First words?!? First meal self-fed!?! 
OK, are you ready…..

First Time Out

Yes sir, at the ripe old age of 11 months, my youngest son managed to earn himself a time out by attempting grab a power cord (for consumption of course) after I warned against it. Have no fear, I could read his expression a mile away and snatched the little "angel" before he knew what had happened. I promptly walked him to his crib and there he sat to serve the remainder of his time out.Apparently things really do happen faster with the third! Guess I better buckle up (and stock the wine fridge!)

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Thanks so much for taking a minute to share your thoughts with me! I love reading each of them. Have a great one.