Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Recap

Prepare yourself for a photo dump of our love day festivities. The party began on Wednesday with Peanut's combination 100 day & Valentine celebration. And can you think of any better way to celebrate than in your jammies!?! So Peanut donned a clean pair of PJs and grabbed his bag full of teacher goodies before heading off to school.

When he returned we sorted through Valentine cards & candy before YiaYia Terry & Papou Yianni brought more goodies.


On Valentine's Day, my little cupids woke up to the smell of cinnamon wafting through the house. Together we enjoyed a heart themed breakfast, opened gifts & loved on one another until Belle headed off to school.

Our Valentine mailboxes held one last special delivery. And much to my delight, the daily deliveries encouraged Belle to start writing love notes of her own to each one of us.


My littlest cupid celebrating his first Valentine's day.

After we saw Belle off to school and Hubby off to work, Peanut choose to spend the morning in his jammies (noticing a theme here?) playing board games by the fire; followed by a session of Valentine arts & crafts. 

Then there were more presents to unwrap and play with.


Afterwards we enjoyed lunch: heart shaped carrots, jelly bean cupcake & sandwich.

Then YiaYia and Bopi stopped over to deliver more gifts. Bear couldn't get enough of his frog balloon. Every year the 3 B boys get Belle and me roses. Love how Hubby is training them young…their future wives will thank him.

The older two cupids had swimming lessons that evening, but returned to a delish candlelight dinner.

This year marked the 15th Valentine's day Hubby & I have spent together! So amazingly blessed to have this man as my honey. And with that Valentine's day 2013 is officially in the books.

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