Thursday, September 19, 2013

School Photo Display

Belle brought home her school portrait earlier in the week and we had a good chuckle because in the two weeks it took to have the photos printed Belle has lost her last 2 front teeth. We are pretty certain she'll spend a fair portion of 2nd grade with a gaping hole for a smile. Good thing she's got a photo happy mommy to capture each and every toothless grin.

As far as displaying annual school photos around here we've opted to only display a 5X7 of the current year's photo. Each child has a designated frame on our gallery wall, which is at the top of our staircase & leads from the bedrooms to the kid's bath.

The littles love passing their photos on a daily basis. The wall is a mixture of baby milestone pictures, family portraits, important artwork & special notes. The majority of the frames are from Ikea but not all. 
I think as the kiddos get older, I'll end up switching to one of the school year montage frames so I can marvel at how much they've grown. For now though I love looking at their smiling faces as I walk up the steps (and let's all ignore the fact that the frame under Belle's 2nd grade pic is crooked…ummm k thanks:). 

How do you display your school/ family photos? Any other gallery wall fans?


  1. I love your photo gallery! It's been my goal, for years but have to start one soon! It's that fear of the hole in the wall I have......but I have collected about 4 dozen frames ;). Your daughter is beautiful! She may be able to wish for 2 front teeth this Christmas!

  2. Jessica-

    That wall looks like swiss cheese but I just said…what the hell and went for it.
    You'll have to post pictures once you finish.


Thanks so much for taking a minute to share your thoughts with me! I love reading each of them. Have a great one.