Thursday, January 3, 2013

Preschool Happy Hour

Winter is upon us. Even though we haven't much snow to speak of, it is cold! So if it isn't the necessary trek out to school, classes (Lord, do we have way too many of those), or shopping (Target anyone?) I'll happily remain held up inside the house until May. So to keep ourselves entertained, we've had loads of fun with a roll of painter's tape.

I taped out a grid on the kitchen floor and with a sharpie wrote the numbers 0-21 (they were not in linear order). Peanut then took his favorite buldozer and followed the road moving in numerical order. Sometimes he confuses numbers (21 vs. 12) so saying the number out loud while driving over them helps to make the abstract name concrete. (FYI-I did not come up with this idea…say it on pinterest I believe…sorry I don't have the original link).

When we were done driving, we added buildings to our street. We worked together to build landmarks around our neighborhood like Peanut's school, Starbucks (yes that is a landmark in this house), the library & Grandparents' homes. We worked on grasping the concept of distance & direction by making sure YiaYia and Bopi's house was further from our house than his school & one was south while the other north.

Eventually all good things get crushed. Caught ya huh? Thought I was going to say, "come to an end". Well they do, but in a house with a preschool boy that end is in the form of crushing/ plowing/ smashing. So we spend the remained of our playtime building & destroying.

Anyone else have some creative ways to disguise learning through play? We've got several more months of indoor captivity so please share your secrets. And if it involves crushing, smashing, or plowing all the better! We are enjoying the last few days of winter break…sad to see it end!

Linked up to Tatertots & Jello

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